Tuesday, September 6, 2016

I like kids

Now let's take a wide birth around how creepy that title reads and take it at face value. Thanks.

Kids are awesome. I love kids honesty, directness, creativity, and yes even their completely oddball yet wholly innocent humor. My kids unlike are others are of course comedic geniuses. I am their mother after all. With that in mind maybe their humor is just a tad more sarcastic than others. Just a tad.

Still, other people kids can be quite funny. My girlfriends youngest has the best imagination and humor of any kid I've ever met. He truly is a little kid do hearted genius. So I'm always a little extra disappointed when some strangers kid shows none of these signs. It's sad. Either they simply do not have that carefree whimsy, or their wretched parents have quashed it right out of their innocent little souls. How terribly sad indeed.

I met a child today whom only seemed to possess the ability to laugh at another's misfortune. She seemed to delight in teasing and taunting in a cruel manner. I watched for a moment as her mother stood back smiling as her prepubecent demon spawn behaved with all the compassion of a psychopath. Hown she could stand their smiling, laughing light heartedly even while watching her child behaviour was maddening. I thought slapping g the little demon spawn was a better option.

After a moment I could take no more and waltz over and haulterior the behaviour with a shap, " you're being cruel and it's not remotely cute. Knock it off now!" Her demeanor turned from her I tended victim and toward me with a half smile. My words effecting her very little as her mother drew I  a sharp breath. I awaited the " do the you dare tell my child what to do," bullshit and was quite ready to lay into the mother if need be.

The child studied me like one would study a bug under glass. Great! The next generation of psychopathic assholes is well under way. I briefly wondered what cult she'd join, or if she'd just go it alone torturing animals before escalating to bigger prey. It broke my heart a little. Not for the child, certainly not for her parents, but for all those who would have to encounter her on a daily basis. For all those people who would try to make a difference in her life for the better, only to find out that she's already well past the point of no return.

I pray she doesn't have siblings.

I really do adore children. I just don't adore all of them. Nor am I soft hearted enough to believe that they can all be fixed, loved enough that they'll change, or that they should all be "just who they are." I have been blessed to have and have cared for some amazing children whom are now amazingly compassionate, strong, self assured, productive members of society. They are certainly the best of their father and I.

Long may they live, love, and give.

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