Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Be yourself, everyone else is taken.

I was recently informed that boredom is my greatest enemy. Admittedly I'm not a fan of utter boredom  however I do not find it to be my greatest enemy either. I tend to find things to keep me entertained rather well. I would have to say that my boredom, is other people's greatest enemy. What I find entertaining or mildly amusing tends to not sit well with other more often than not.

Truth be told, I never understood most peoples  sheer boredom. There are a plethora of both useful and completely unuseful things to fill ones time with. I surmise that most or maybe many people's boredom is due to their inability to be happily alone. I've not a single issue with this. I rather enjoy my own company. At least I know I am in good company.

What is it about being alone that sets so many people on  edge? Yes like anyone else there are times when loneliness does enter into my life. I'd be a liar to say that it doesn't. Yet I found over the years that I can be surrounded by people a day still feel completely alone. It's all perspective. Small talk is okay, but I'd much prefer to get to know the real you.

Long heart to heart on a variety of topics is far more interesting to me than thever superfluous banter people seem to hold onto like a lifeline. Letting your guard down can be scary. No one likes rejection. At least I've never met anyone who's happy about being rejected. At the end of the day though, who would rather be with? The person who smiles and nods at everything going and pretends to like you? No thanks. I want a partner who can say, "well you clearly fucked that up. What are you going great to do about it?"

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