Saturday, September 3, 2016

Too Many Flags, Too Many Fairs...

I've not traveled as far and wide as many of my service men and women, but I've come to rest my head for a spell in a number of countries and states long enough to call them home. I value and cherish each and every experience I've had upon my travels. Both the good, bad, and horrifically comical. It has however left me with an ache in my chest that no one place can subside.

Each of my homes, be they long term or almost "passing fancies" that drew me in; have given me an insight into so many wonderful people and their respective cultures. The kindness I was afforded in each was soul drenchingly beautiful. Southern hospitality, island charm, First National pride, Latin passion, French decadence, Creole desire.  I remember it all. I remember how I was welcomed with open arms. How I seemed to fit.

I look around and note, this fits too. As well it should, I was born here. And still I feel like a woman who is home, and yet homesick all at once. A Gypsy soul with too many flags too call anyone of them "my true home." I've set down roots now, and it feels amazing, Yet I do so long, for my other homes and the rich tapestry of culture they enveloped me in.

Until I am home again, I love you. I miss you and shall carry you within my heart always.

Xo My Gypsy heart


 I’ve been around the world twice, talked to everybody once, Seen two white whales ****, been to two pigmy picnics and met a man from marble head with a wooden ****, been to three world’s fairs, tow sheep shears, and a pig ****, drank everything from Rum to ***, seen a goat rope, two worms arm wrestle, and watched a monkey try to **** a football, seen a six pearl petered pino form Diego Garcia and watched the water burn on the Persian Gulf, I’ve pushed more peter, more sweeter, more completer than any other peter pusher in town, cause I’m a lover, I’m a fighter, I’m an American Naval UDT/SEAL diver, that’s a rootin, tootin, lootin, shootin, parachutin, double cap cripping, scuba diving, Ka-bar carrying, Rolex wearing FROGMAN!!!- last of the bare-knuckle fighters!!! There’s no sky too high, no sea to deep, no muff to tuff, we dive at five and that’s no jive, that’s eat, ****, suck, nibble, bite, chew, hog style, dog style, any kinda style, wine, dine, intertwine, *********, **********, ********, ream, steam and dry clean, And I can drive anything the military has to offer, them 2x’s 4x’s 6x’s 8x’s, them big ass mother****ers that bend in the middle and go shooo shooo when you step on the breaks, now lady if you don’t like my face you can **** it, birds do it and fly from it, bee’s do it and die from it, dogs do it and stick to it, So here’s to it, and from it, and to it again, and if you don’t do it to it when you get to it, you won’t do it to when you get to it again, So up the old red rooster, just like she use to whip it to her, smack her on the ass, send her on her way and never mind her skinny ass legs!!!!!!!!

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