Monday, May 16, 2016

Can Jade get her groove back?

Last night my dreams were a trip down memory lane; so real and vivid, I actually woke up exhausted as if I had experienced it all again. These dreams brought it all back; the sharp piercing pain of first unrequited lust, dancing close in dark smoky rooms, the glorious summer evenings of years ago, the music and cars and the boys...oh the boys!

It is so funny, I see it rather clearly now. I enjoyed the boys at school some, but my tastes reached beyond my own town and out into the city. Dance halls and night clubs were my scene. The flirting a bit, the incredible conversations we had, and the laughter as music blared out the windows of cars under a deep midnight blue sky. I was a social butterfly, rather self absorbed and far less interested in any boy than I was in experiencing life.

And last night the lost years came back, in drifts of memory and impressions and feelings. I thought those feelings were so intense as a young girl, and they were. I wished at times for them to ease off, fade a bit or at least slow so that I may take them all in. They seemed to hit me at such random intervals that I'd get lost in it all. Now, at this wise, old, mature age.....I want them back in all their intensity, depth and fervor. I want those strong deep tremors to wash over my body again and feel the intensity of my convictions. That incredible sensitivity and awareness was actually wonderful, a gift and a treasure.

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