Saturday, May 28, 2016

Insecure Men Turn Me Off

We all have our insecurities, or at least moments of them. It is up to each of us to assess those thoughts and feelings and keep them in true perspective.  My best advice is if you are feeling insecure within your relationship talk about it.  Then accept that it is also up to you to correct not your partner.  The one commonality I've found with highly insecure men that I've dealt with is:

1- They hate that I have other male friends.  After all jealousy is insecurity.

2- When I have expressed my lacking in interest to dating their response has revolved around; how great they are, how much money they have, and how any other man I've ever been involved with was a bitch/gay/pussy/looser.  I find this humorous as I genuinely like 99% of my ex's.  They're good men, we just didn't work as a couple.

3- They want to go through my phone,or are annoyed that I have everything password protected.

4- The moment I stand up for myself and state "That will be more than enough of their behaviour" I am called a whore,a slut, a trick, or some variation of those.

I find it all, well if I am to be honest; equally sad as it is tiring.  I can only imagine how stressful it must be in their muddled brains to navigate and communicate with healthy happy individuals. I have thankfully only ever dated one of these types of men and quickly learn to see the error of my ways.  Those that I've come into contact with since, have been fantastic reminders that my self worth is far greater than their apparent good looks or charms.

I cannot dictate how others think, feel, or behave.  I can however control how I do.

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