Monday, May 30, 2016

The Dutchman must always have a Captain!

So I think it's pretty well established that I have some unique dogs. Yes by unique I mean anti-social, animal hating man-eaters. Not really, but they are special cases I am working with. As such they do take up a great deal of my "non work hours". Well okay, so it's all constant work, home, away, with or without them. Mako has made great strides. There are more people that she's not only good with but loving towards. Yet she remains very picky in her people choosing and must always been met with respect and understanding.

This has been a yet another chink in my dating armor. Let's face facts, she is an acquired taste and the constant rules set around her and her behaviour can place great strain on a person not used to this life. As such as amiable as I can be, yes surprise, surprise, but I can be; if she isn't met with respect and thus turns on you; we will not be friends let alone dating. So a few weeks ago I tried a meet and greet over coffee. He seemed genuine and kind. He liked animals, wasn't looking for a hook-up, and was happy to meet and not carry on weeks upon weeks of texts. All good things in my book.

I told him about my in house and permanent resident rescue Mako. I didn't sugarcoat anything and even with being very blunt he wanted to meet her. He said he understood and stated "he was a total dog person". Ok cool. First hurdle done. Excellent! So I set the rules out and made sure her muzzle was on good and proper. It's a rule I have with any new meet and greet, as I do want everyone safe. Plus seeing as we were meeting for a coffee and a walk, Mako was likely to act silly if someone approached me or her without proper introduction. I am nothing if not always airing on the side of well placed caution with her and the general public.

Off we went. A few short minutes later we walked up to Mr.DogGuy. I smiled said hello,shook his hand. Mako had been quietly sniffing his leg but remained fairly intent on trying to stand between us. I corrected her behavior,having her sit stay next to me as we spoke. She was still a little tense for a proper greet. I was going to remind Mr. DogGuy of the no look, no talk to, no touching Mako rule. Before I could even utter the words No, he broke each one in one fell swoop!

Mr. DogGuy in his "dog guy" wisdom bent down grabbed her head on either side of her baskerville muzzle and ruffled her fur with a "Hi pup!" all up in her face in an excited state. Just as quick as a viper strike she slammed him in the face with her baskerville muzzle and broke his nose just as quickly. GAME ON! Now she was not only in an equally excited state but she was angry and he was at her level. Did I mention...GAME FUCKING ON! I lifted up and over with her just as one with with a dog attack so as to not be another aggressor and hauled her back to my side. She continued to growl low as a handful of people turned to see me shaking my head in disgust.

One man approached slowly palms open and at an angle. A true dog guy. Mako wasn't happy about the approach but he respected her space and didn't engage her. He held my eyes and asked calmly, "Are you okay ma'am?" I think I sounded more tired than angry when I responded "I am fine, annoyed but fine. I simply forgot how stupid people are and how they endanger everyone when they don't listen." That answer seemed to answer all his questions. He nodded and smiled a little sadly as he added, "she looks young...and really quick for a big girl!" I couldn't help myself, I laughed. "That she is, and when respected she's a total mushy girl," I added while staring down at her.

Needless to say the meet and greet portion of the date was quickly over. Mako and I went home for ice cream and played with her brother Monster. Monster being the 5 pound chihuahua, the only dog she likes. Surrounded by love and understanding and people she actually likes. It's not perfect but it is family and home as it suits us just fine.

The King and his men
stole the queen from her bed,
and bound her in her bones.
The seas be ours, and by the powers;
where we will, we'll roam.

Yo ho, all hands,
hoist the colors high.
Heave ho, thieves and beggars;
never shall we die.

Some men have died and some are alive
and others sail on the sea.
With the keys to the cage
and the devil to pay,
we lay to the fiddler's green.

Yo ho haul together,
hoist the colors high.
Heave ho, thieves and beggars;
never shall we die.

The bell has been raised
from its watery grave,
hear its sepulchral tone.
A call to all; pay heed the squall,
and turn your sails to home.

Yo ho, haul together,
hoist the colors high.
Heave ho, thieves and beggars;
never shall we die.

The king and his men
stole the queen from her bed,
and bound her in her bones.
The seas be ours, and by the powers;
where we will; we'll roam.
-Hoist the Colors

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