Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Curtains Egads People Curtains!

Very, very early this morning, I awoke in that no-man's land of three a.m. The hour of the Wolf, as grandma would call it. Too early to actually drag myself up out of bed, much too close enough to my cruel wake-up hour to really relax into sleep 'cause that wicked demon of nightscapes would start whispering, "How much time do I have to fall back to sleep; has an hour, a minute, two or three passed already?" After a bit of conversation with this demon, I gave it up and arose amidst the tangle of comforter and sheets and pillows, nearly breaking my neck when I stepped on one particularly slippery decorative touch....arrgh. Wandering about like some lonesome ghost, I became aware of sounds, sounds that sounded very much like, well, someone having a rather intense physical encounter and I didn't think it sounded like a session with a rowing machine.

Noticing I had left my window wide open and as I adjusted the blinds, the louder and clearer the sounds became. Since it was fairly cool outside, I couldn't imagine any fair weather, thin-blooded natives having sex outside. Thus being the civically minded woman I am, I rushed out to the patio just to make sure it wasn't something, well, criminal. Now, the renters of many of the houses backing onto our lots are crazy. They seemed to have put all their money into their cars and extra large TV sets, yet completely negating some of the finishing touches homes require.

Since we are on that marvel of modern urban life with little to no lot lines, all of the opposings streets backyards are smack up against each other, separated by minimal lawns and chainlink fences. The bedroom window of the house backing onto our yard was lit up as if there was a party or something. Well, no party was taking place but something was going on in that room....backlit by bright light pouring through the curtainless room. Since I was in what passed for darkness here I quickly stepped back into the shadows. I debated quickly whether I should run back inside and not intrude any further on the couple's privacy.

I compromised and leaned against the cool bricks by my wide open window and closed my eyes. I didn't really wish to have the image of our unknown neighbours playing games burned on my retinas again. That's when I noticed the strains of music threaded through the primal, animal noises and gasps. It sounded very much like an old, VanHalen song, "Running with the Devil" and sure enough, the CD continued as the couple did. I got to feeling very strongly or perhaps just speculating, if this was music from someone's wild-n-crazy days, rich with memories and experiences of some long ago early summer evening, maybe of a senior year in high school?

Could the beginning of summer bring back memories and desires and escapades rising to the fore? Above the din and clamour and distraction of the commute, the bills, the weeds sprouting all over the lawn, that funny rattle in the car? As if I don't know anything 'bout that! Suddenly chilly and a little blue, I made my way back inside and closed the window. Standing next to my bed looking at the empty tousled sheets, I missed having someone to cuddle. I sleep so restlessly most of the time, due to being a vivid dreamer. The evil, cheerful, warning-red alarm-clock glared at me and I reached over and turned its blocky self towards the wall, wishing to smack it right out the window. There were the numbers blaring at me. 4:45a.m.! Less than a half hour to "get-up". Oh well, I was already awake anyway.

When was the last time I crept into the house almost at the crack of dawn, hair all tousled, make-up gone, and my panties/stockings shoved into my purse? When was the last time I dragged my trembling, exhausted, sweetly sweaty body into the shower to wash away all evidence of what I had been doing before I crept into the bed? Just how many pairs of panties did I "lose" by misplacing them or leaving them in his car or apartment or even a few times, his parents house?? I haven't lost any undies in a rather long time. I supposed that is both a blessing and a curse.

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