Friday, May 13, 2016

Word to your...Godmother

FairyGM: I wish I had been there for you. You went through a lot in a relatively short amount of time. I want to cry when I think of how badly he treated you.

Jade: Oh don't take that on, I am after all the architect of my own design. You had your own children and grandchildren to care for. Life isn't terrible, and all my failures have made me stronger.

FairyGM: You know you don't make it easy for people to take care of you. If you ever wish to remarry that will be a problem you'll have to correct.

Jade: Oh it can't be as bad as all that, men love a take charge woman who doesn't require them to save her. They find it helpful when their wives don't burden them with trivial things like feelings.

FairyGM: Gives me her best "you know this is why you're still single" look.

Jade: Fine, I'm open to the possibility of being...inaccurate. Alas I'm old and those interested in me are either far too young or looking for a mommy replacement. So I suppose, I'll just have lots of casual sex.

FairyGM: Chokes on her cup of tea and hits me in the forehead with a cookie.

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