Sunday, May 15, 2016

Love is a battfield

I live upon a battlefield. One force has a path all laid out for me, the other has totally different path for me with twists and turns and here I am.  Battles raging all over my mind, body, and soul! If I still lived in the south someone strapping fine man would sweep in and whisk me away. Off into the sunset we'd ride... happily ever after. Alas I live in the real, self empowered world where I have to fix my own issues. Arg being a feminist blows sometimes.

Right now, I would love nothing more than to fill a bath to the brim with strawberry scented bubbles and then float away in bubbly bliss. Not jump out my clothes or strip practically and efficiently. There is something incredibly erotic and yielding 'bout carefully removing each article of clothing, folding and putting it aside, teasing a bit and showing off a touch, and blushing furiously the whole while. The build up of tension, the look in another's eyes, my increasing nervousness all contribute to seeing/experiencing a partner in a whole new way. The bits and pieces of everyday life, seeming to melt away leaving a sensual wake of pleasure and contentment. Alas I have a standup shower and no freaking one to even try to squeeze into it with.

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