Saturday, June 4, 2016

I personally, would love to give them all flying elbow drops

The lady who hit and drove my car through the barrier on the bridge over I35 so many years ago was sentenced to two years driving suspension. I'm not sure what she actually served but I'm not sure it was enough time for the hell it's put others through. And yeah there's the confusion ok...memory loss I got nailed with. Woopie! Good times tell ya. Then there was the guy 10 years later that was high and drunk off his ass that plowed into me, causing yet more head trauma. He got 5 years, but only served 6 months. A few months after his release, he was out on the road again, high as fuck once more. Hey at least no added memory loss, can one lose their memory more than once? Who the fuck knows. I did get the parting gift of increased seizure activity. Absence seizures, fun little buggers they are.

I don't know what the solution is. I'm not sure there even is one. But I'm having a hard time buying that these judges are giving them probation 60% of the time because they don't care or because they have a fondness in their hearts for drunk drivers. I happen to know a few judges and know how deeply they do care. How frustrated they are with people, laws, humanity. I know when you experience any sort of tragedy, you need something or someone to blame. It's a temporary distraction from the pain and frustration surrounding you like a heavy wet blanket. But really if people are basically self serving and selfish as they present themselves to be, they are going to drink and drive in much the same manner. The reality is, unfortunately, it is not within a judge's power to hold the offender in a headlock, or give them a few light slams.

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