Monday, June 13, 2016

Put it on replay

I have that "Working Pa Nub" song stuck in my head. I would say I feel like I work in a Butt Mine, but you would totally take it the wrong way so I'll just say that I'd say it without actually stating it on its own.

12am: Woke up from her nap. ran herself outside. had fun chasing a moth. Cleaned up poop. Back to napping.
1:30am: Himself tries to get comfortable while curled around my neck. Neither of us are comfortable.
1:45am: Lights are actually turned off.
1:45am: "Eh. Eh!"
1:45am: Lights turned back on.
2am: Everyone settled in their crates.
2:02am: Unsettled in crates.
2:02am: Mucho cooing.
2:15am: Fucking text message. Really????
3am: Herself farts louder than a rhino. Smells of ass, possibly also rhino.
2:20am: Another text message. Plot his death..
2:20am: Remind him booty calls are not cool.
2:28am: Ignore text
2:30am: Lights back off.
4:50am: I'm awake again.
5am: Everyone up and out. Clean up more poop
5:25am: Everyone fed.
5:30am: Playtime....Put the shoe down!!!
5:40am: I'm questioning my own sanity as I argue with the dogs.
5:55am: They all start talking back.
6:00am: Shower, convince cats I'm not drowning while trying to shave.
6:30am: Wake  back up, in the shower.
6:40am; Call from FB?? "Hey can you help find this guy a home?"
6:55am: 12 calls and an IOU later owner found.
7:10am: Dishes done.
7:20am: Coffee made.
7:35am: Mutts back out. More poop pick up. Woohoo
7:50am: Grooming and baths.
8:20am: Rewashing myself.
8:25am: make a #1 sign with finger.
8:28am: Put on makeup.
8:30am: Tame hair...sort of
8:34am: Fix eyeliner.
8:35am: Find socks...and one shoe
8:40am: Shout "See you later" to Teaesme and furry crew
9am: Catch bus.
9:05am: Pray I survive the ride.
9:15am: Kiss the solid ground.
9:20am: Am reminded by boss shirt has design on it thus not regulatory.
9:21am: Whisper "fuck the rules" and roll my eyes like the mature woman I am.
9:25am: walk by screaming baby, happy my kids have fur.
9:30am: Wrestle an obnoxious miniature schnauzer into a harness.
9:30am: Correct owner when she refers to him as her little angel!
9:35am: Smile. Cane arrives.
9:45am: Customer bring me tea...blech there's lemon in it. Irish peeps not Limey!
10am: Boss reminds me not to cuss out loud.
10:05am: Idiot DM shows up sporting a whaletail and talking about professionalism.
10:07am: Sweet jaysus give me strength.
3:00pm: Lunch meeting with boss.
3:30pm: We joke about just never going back.
3:35am: Go back.
4:00pm: Allow mundane tasks to wash over me.
6:45pm: fall asleep on ride home.
7:05pm: Dream I am trying to sleep on a toilet without waking a sleeping aligator.
7:15pm: Step off bus and let my feet direct me home.
7:28pm: Drag all mutts back out, redirect desire to eat dog next door.
7:45pm: Remember to feed them.
8:00pm: Trip over cat trying to hop over gate to bathroom.
8:10pm: Return countless emails and remind myself technology is of the good.
8:45pm: Return text from 2:28am
9:00pm: Write.
10:00pm: Get mutts back out and burn off energy. Even more poop pick up! Livin' the dream.
11:00pm: Sweep, mop, clean
11:30pm: Look around see no difference.
12:00am: Mutts to bed.
12:30am: Texting insanity
1:00am: fall asleep......

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