Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Scared...I wish

The one constant in my life has always been the furry babies that surround me. This evening Mako while playing grabbed for a branch. Nothing new there, she was just being her typical dorky self. Except this time she grabbed a leaf from the vine alone with it. Within 2 minutes she was slowing down and coughing. Something was wrong! She dropped and started eating grass, something she never does; so yes she was in trouble. I called into the house to get Teaesme. She knew by my tone something was wrong. Peeking her head out the window I demanded the colloidal silver and the recovery meds.

Mako being the....difficult dog that she really can be when not feeling well was totally out of character. Not a growl, lunge, or even the hint of an attack came. She allowed me to shove meds down her throat and accepted all of the poking and prodding I was doing around her mouth. Thankfully her gums were nice and pink, although the saliva was thick and slightly frothing. I can't say I was terrified, but I wanted to be. Too bad I can no longer feeling that emotion, working with this bunch of difficult pups doesn't allow for that luxury anymore.

Being scared in our house is a weakness and weakness can get you killed.

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