Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Keep your skirt down until everyone has finished their tequila!

Her voice was like nails on a chalkboard, her tits were overpaid for, and her fake blond hair looked like it was lifted from big bird, and no of course it didn't match her eyebrows. This of course was not to be outdone by her denim skirt that ended just below her crotch. When she was standing that is. Essentially she was every bit the wannabe biker whore that you see in the movies. Those bad B Rated movies that only get shown inside of those sticky floored, downtown movie theaters where no one every really uses their real names.

And then she sat down.

Hollymotherofgodfuckingblindmenowplease! I vommed in my mouth. For all those lusting over her overly inflated tits, if they had any common sense they'd have looked under the hood. Bitch needed to shave. Unless they were into granny porn, this was so not a good look. Now just as I was attempting to wash away the taste of vomm with 4 consecutive shots of tequila, she began to flirt. She flirted like sloppy seconds was her man course and I vommed in my mouth again.

That actually makes men horny?

Oh please don't even answer that. I'll probably vomm again.  

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