Thursday, June 30, 2016

Horny vs. Sleep Deprived

Apparently I missed the memo stating that from now on we are waking at 3 o'clock in the morning. They are awake and "talking" to me like I'm completely in the loop with what they're saying. They also seem to think that this is the time to try and lure me in to snuggle with them...on the floor. Puppies are not allowed on furniture. Four legs floor and all that jazz. Then ThePenis texts, around 4. He's just gotten home from work and is deluded enough to think that I'll drag my ass out of the house to ride him like a pony. Yeah, that's so not gonna happen. No penis is that good. All in all this means quite possibly not shutting my eyes again until 1am...tomorrow. Fan-freakin-tastic!

It's all so cute. In a way that has me wanting to scream and run away to Belize wandering the barefoot sands like a gypsy. Maybe I could convince LoneRider to run away with me? He's good about that stuff, and he wouldn't be demanding in the least. After all he and I are so very much alike, neither of us are truly capable of being around chosen ignorance. Probably why we get along so well, and he totally puts up with me making fun of his bimbos.


I'll just hypnotize them all. Possibly drink until it all makes sense ... or hide in the shed. I'm not sure which, maybe all three! I'm supposed to meet my FairyGodmother later today. I should tell her all about ThePenis, that would prove amusing for easily an hour. Might not want to play that card too often though, she'll probably go all fiddler on the roof on me. Ain't nobody got time for that!

Sugah, tact is for people who aren’t witty enough to be sarcastic.

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