Friday, May 25, 2007

And The Fun Never Ends

What do you get when you mix a yorkie and a lhasapoo? You get Lord Montague. He's a bundle of fun that has the energy of a terrier and the adorable nature of a child wanting to please their over indulgent parents. Yeah, by the time TC and the kids get back from the soccer tournament in Virginia he'll be a dog again. A terribly spoiled with attention dog, but a dog nonetheless. We've managed in two days time to have him outdoors trained and eating at proper times. This is of course what TC was hoping for. They love him. I know they do, but they work, go to school and lead busy lives like most people do. He's only a year old so the lengthy time he has to spend alone is hard on him. He's still a puppy, and he's a high energy lapdog all the way.

My rottie, 3 cats, and he get along great! Well if you count the cats beating him up, getting along great then yeah! If they ever think about giving him up, I'm so taking him. I want another dog. Putting my old girl, a 14 year old rottie, down was hard. What can I say, we're animal lovers around here. Cat's, dogs, birds, fish, mice, and a slew of other exotics have made their way in and out of our home over the years. It would probably drive most people crazy, but for us, it's just daily life. Even the gruff GolfingBiker has melted and sits for long periods of time to play with the pup. It's the cutest sight ever.

So here we are busy as ever. It's Friday so the customers are coming in and out like they usually do on Friday's and the dogs and cats are standing by the door greeting them. Greeting them with all the energy of the energizer bunny on speed. It's a sight to behold. The customers are great and each take their time to greet and of course give treats to the furbabies. The pet's should be fat by weekend's end. I'm just claiming they are absorbing our love, but I'll still have to put them on the 'Mark Cole' diet for pets. Counting kibble is always fun. Well more later possible, it's pee time for the pups.

Okay everyone say it with me in that annoyingly cute voice, "Yeah pee time, pee time!" Yep, single is what I am. Surprised are we now?

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