Sunday, May 27, 2007

He Talks to His Cookies

6:23 PM
Pirate's of The Caribbean at World's End was great. 2 hours and 45 minutes of action, laughter, and some decidedly good adult humor. The verdict is in and Jack Sparrow has the largest telescope. It's big and manly, and....Sigh...rugged manly Pirates. Oh unhygienic world never looked so good; well until everyone smiles. Nuugghh.

Yeah, so a few days have gone by since Lord Montague arrived here and we've managed to make him completely nuts. He's got his cookie and he's barking at it like it should answer him. Maybe that shower messed with his poor puppy brain cells. Okay it wasn't so much his shower as it was mine, but he seemed to enjoy it just the same. I being the twit who was so not awake at 'ohmyfuckinggodsitsearly o'clock' hopped into the shower. I happened to forget to close the door in my less than heightened state of awareness and low and behold Lord Montague jumped into the shower with me. I have come to find that a cold wet nose pressed up against the back of your calf when not expecting it can be rather...jarring? It's almost as good as an espresso first thing.

Eyes wide and a quick look over my shoulder confirmed that I had not suddenly started doing drugs and that the dang dog was just so happy to be happy that he came to tell me all about it. So there I am slipping and sliding, while he is slipping and sliding around the damn tub. Conditioner on the tub floor is both a danger to dogs and humans alike. The cats sought refuge anywhere but the bathroom as the shrieking continued. I cannot honestly say f it was myself or the dog, though I will claim in public should this ever get out that it was clearly the dog. Finally throwing a towel over him, I got the situation completely under control… Yeah, right. Still we’re both clean and smelling fabulously like Biolage conditioner. His hair is fantastic and my coat is as shiny as ever, or so the ever so bloody helpful TGB states. Nursing homes that abuse the old is where he and my mother are going you know.

Actually, my hair looks great. I’m having a decent arse day; no really these pants, new ones; are just lifting the old girl up to a point JLO should be green with envy, and I think I’m taking Whimsy to the movies. We’ll have a bit of a girl’s day and go see Pirates and lusty wenches. Yeah so that’s my dream but it’s a good one! I’m kind of surprised and pleased to say that I managed to get Whimsy’s hair combed out after her, uneventful, shower in less than two hours. It’s always a bit of a fuss to do her hair in between relaxing treatments. Her fro is…wild. It has a life all it’s own and has decided to take all it’s frustrations on me. Not her fault. It’s just genetics. I’ve always had curly hair, and her father of course had a fro, if he let his hair grow; so she was never going to get that perfectly straight hair. Thankfully she’s accepted that. For a long while she wanted to have “white girl hair” much to my dismay. When it finally sunk in that I, her mother, a ‘white girl’ didn’t have straight hair, she slowly began to accept that curly hair was okay. Bothersome at times, but okay. She’s asked and I’ve said okay, to trying out the Japanese retexturizing on her hair, but I’ve yet to set aside enough time to complete the lengthy process. It’s not all that difficult, it just has a few steps that have to be followed to the letter and with her hair being as thick as it is, will take a little longer than it would for average curly hair. Okay I’ll probably write more later, but for now it’s time to ‘bounce’ as she claims. There be pirates awaitin’ our arrival! By the gods I love my little nerd.

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