Thursday, May 17, 2007

Crazy is as Crazy Teaches

When attempting to teach conflict resolution to minor children, having the principal scream in their faces does little to show appropriate responses.

The last two days are a bit of a blur in truth. I’m maintaining a level and professional decorum and even minding my manners quite well thankyouverymuch! In the past two days I have admittedly wanted to render the principal unconscious while removing her eyebrows with a letter opener but I have remained stoic, calm, cool, and collected. It. Was. Not. Easy. Seriously, being treated as though I am “just one of those single parents whom are completely stupid,” is not something that places great amounts of confidence in the school my child attends. What can I say I’m an odd duck that way. Go figure. My darling daughter screwed up. The funny thing is she knows it and was the one to bring it to my attention. I picked her up at lunch yesterday to have her look me in the eye and say, “I messed up big time mum.” My response was simple. “Okay what happened and how can we make amends and move forward?” There’s no shame in screwing up, it’s what you do after that can make or break you in my eyes.

Long story shortened. Whimsy had her laptop at school. No problem, she uses it for school work. What she forgot was that there was a DVD in the drive and when she booted it up for the first time at recess the DVD went into autoplay. It was a gory rated R movie. Ugh. I back the school and can fully understand their concerns. Saw III is not under any circumstances a movie to show any child without their parent’s approval and certainly not ever in a school setting. As I’ve explained to Whimsy, who is 12 at the moment. What I allow at home, with supervision and open discussion is not what is going to fly in public. We discussed why it was such a big deal for the school and how this could upset a great many parents. She understood and didn't argue that point at all. What she was upset about was that the principal didn’t believe her that it was a mistake and that she did not intentionally allow others to view the beginning clip of the movie. Nor did the principal wish to hear that the second that she realized what movie it was she shut the laptop down. The screaming at her and informing her that she would never be trusted again didn't really sit well either.

I can understand and even appreciate that the principal is greatly concerned that parent would have her head on a platter. It would have made sense for her to call me right away and have me come down so we could work on a resolution. She didn’t. I have not received even one phone call regarding the matter, nor have I even received a letter home. Whimsy informed me and I went in right away only to be told the principal wasn’t able to see me. Okay. I’ll come back, please give her the note I’ve left and cal me for a good time to come in. Lunch time today comes and still no call. I go in to pick up Whimsy only to find she’s been sitting in the office all morning not doing anything, including the days lessons. Why wasn’t I phoned? I genuinely want to help and have this dealt with in a timely and appropriate manner. Why is it each time I’ve attempted to do the right thing I’m shushed, pushed aside, or ignored? It simply doesn’t make sense. I’ve not yelled, threatened, or made myself a nuisance, and quite frankly where my children’s education is concerned I should be involved!

I sent Whimsy home for lunch and waited for the first free moment to speak with the principal. I was polite but no I was not warm and congenial. I’m at the end of my rope and am tired of the piss poor job this principal does. She more concerned with playing with her tongue ring and looking down her nose at anyone who questions her actions, than about communicating with the parents, and did a really poor job of hiding how intimidated she was. Not to mention how out of her damn league she was. I politely reminded her that when you tell a child they can never be trusted again, you remove their chance of redemption and in most cases the child will stop trying. I also reminded her that telling a parent that they believe their child is a liar is certainly not going to help the situation. First; all kids lie. It is that simple. Second; telling the child to stop wasting your time and just confess to everything she is being blamed of because you having to hunt out all of the facts and look at the overall picture is a waste of everyone’s time….

Oh I haven’t the appropriate words. I do have words like shut the fuck up you flaming cunt from hell. But those are just words for here. Between the real adults.

Yep, I’m 33 and I’ve just learned to hate school.


Do I have to keep being a grown up?

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