Saturday, May 26, 2007

I'm Such A....

Wuss? So Lord Montague is now the proud owner of a...Doggie car seat. Yeah, I know I'm rather pathetic when it comes to my pets. My kids sucked on the soothers that fell directly onto the floor but the dog gets a car seat. Stop laughing! It's with good reason that he has a car seat. He's cute. Okay that's just one of the really, really, good reasons. But seriously, if you travel with your pet's in your cars or trucks they should be wearing a seat belt. My rottweiler has what is called a seat belt harness, for he's way too big for a doggie seat at 130 pounds. Lord Montague is but 8 pounds so just strapping him in with a harness is a bit more dangerous, plus I fuss. Yeah, there it is I admitted it; My name is Jade and I'm a fuss fart. Once again I say, stop laughing at me! I'm so going to pout.

Long story short. We worked a road side accident. Drunk driver hit a family van and killed the parents. The 5 ear old didn't have a mark on him. Would have survived, except the family dog was in the car and not belted in. Dog became a projectile and snapped the 5 year olds neck. My father, TheGolfingBiker and I had to go and collect the equally dead dog and wrap him up. It was something neither of us wish to see happen again. The big gruff guy went out and bought 8 dog seat belt harnesses and walked along our street handing them out to our friends for their pets. I've never seen him cry like that before. It was a sobering experience. Make sure you all get to where you're going safe and sound. Everyone in the car wear a seat belt. I may not know you but I'd miss you just the same if something happened to you. Please.

Now let's move onto something lighter. I shopped for golf balls. What the hell was I doing shopping for golf balls? I haven't a friggin’ clue. Ever seen two women with absolutely lost looks on their faces when a third woman say's, "hey are these golf balls any good?" Umm they're balls and it says golf on the front of it. That pretty well sums up my knowledge of the golf ball enlightenment. I do however know that when I got TGB, "The Big Berthas" which are clubs, that the sight of them can render a grown man speechless. *Shurggs* They said golf on the sign, and I knew they were clubs for hitting the balls. He deserved a treat and I figured what the hell. He'll appreciate the sentiment. Okay so he was more than just appreciative, but once again, me...golfing? Not so much. My family golf’s, I, well my total golfing experience consisted of being taught by my grandfather. My very patient grandfather whom begged and pleaded with me to put the clubs down and just go back to doing my nails, and ‘supervising’ the others while they gardened. Their was this pained expression that I remember him getting each time I took out hunks of grass the size of small ponies in his lawn. I was 8 or 9. I took up shoe shopping shortly after and got into track and field. I was actually pretty good at shot put, but my event was the 4x4 and 100 meter dash. Plus I had these really cute Nike cleats! Yeah, I know, kinda hopeless huh? But I did dig in the dirt today! I dug out holes and Monty and Van filled them back up….okay so it was more of an exercise of lets see who can dig fastest but I did get dirty. I think I kinda smell too. I know you’re all feeling bad for laughing at me now aren’t you?

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