Thursday, July 21, 2016

Eyes Wide Shut

We all have our talents. Some are great at math, some are great at decorating. Some embrace their dreams and create a reality that has the rest of the world staring on in awe, and some of us are great at critical thinking. Many many years ago by a very close relative I was told I'd make a great kindergarten school teacher. Obviously that relative was drunk, but I suppose at the time I can see why they thought it. Another very close relative said in some off handed comment that I'd make a great tart. Both comments make me laugh to this day. Yes I should probably be horrified by the later comment but I'm not. There's some truth to both. I've always been great with kids and find their innocent and brutal honesty refreshing.

For a time I had considered primary school teacher as a possibility. Then I was reminded of all those years spent in school, both as a student and as a teacher; and slitting my wrists seemed like a better option. Then as has been mentioned before I do not equate sex with love. So yes being a tart would be pretty easy, you know if it weren't for the fact that I'd like to not deal with the crazies that often frequent tarts lives. Anonymity has always bred idiocy, and as most are aware of I've a very low threshold for chosen stupidity. I find it all rather comical. Then again I also find my love life comical 99% of the time.  Sure on occasion there is that craving for human companionship, but I'd rather not settle for someone who isn't the one for me on all levels.

I am oddly ok with keeping boy toys and lovers that I'll never connect with outside of the moments of passion we share. I've no interest in them inserting themselves into my life in any more than the most basic of instincts. After all I am the women men every so enjoy bedding, but never bring home to meet the family. We all have our roles. I just so happen to play mine with exquisite passion and grace.

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