Saturday, July 23, 2016

Adventures, dreams, and then Reality

Persia and I spent the day catching up and tending to his rather massive pup who wasn't quite feeling 100%.  Overall it wasn't a bad day. It was a day of realizations and confirmations. It was great to catch up and to put to rest an issue that had been in the back of my mind for a while now. I dislike having my intelligence undermined. Moreover I thoroughly dislike being misled.

I came to the realization that while I wasn't terribly upset. Not n the manner most would be. I was also no longer going to continue to put effort or hope into the situation. Persia like few others knew my thoughts and feelings and yet chose to minimize them, though a pretty substantial omission. This was not the blunt honesty I had always valued. It made the decision exceedingly easy for me.

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