Friday, July 8, 2016


It's been a difficult week for a great many reasons. I've had to be an actual grown up, something I try to avoid at all costs. I've grown rather fond of my whimsy, if that's what I can call it. My desire to live my life with honesty, radical honesty hasn't been easy, but it has been freeing. It is especially unique in its application within the work environment, specifically retail where honesty is just not what the corporation desires.

I attempted to balance such things this week. I was given the mandate of "just play nice. Put on a smile and no matter what remain polite." This was possibly one of the more difficult things to do and stay true to who I am. I did however accomplish it. I was polite, inclusive with one whom has been nothing short of rude, disruptive, and not even remotely part of the team. I embraced"kill her with kindness," as ordered requested by my boss.

Then today on my way home from store #3, I received a call from said boss. He opened with, "remember that conversation we had on Thursday?" I assured him I did and that I had followed his request to a T, at which point he apologized to me. "I am sorry for having made you go through that, it was a futile effort and you deserve an apology."   I've no clue what prompted this call, but I accepted the apology in the spirit it was intended. I suppose I shall find out more tomorrow. For tonight I shall just smile and be happy in the fact that I gave a full effort with true intention to do the right thing. Tomorrow after all is another day.

I like this new side of you.  It's terrifying, but I like it.

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