Friday, July 1, 2016

Happy Canada Day, and something else witty

I cannot help but roll my eyes each time those whom think they know me ask, "You gonna get your party on for Canada day?" Really? Do these people not know me at all?  Of course being the smartass that I am cannot help but answer, "Of course! Gonna drink till I'm stumbling and then I'm gonna run the dogs...amidst large crowds of people!" I get it, people have little in common with what I do and are simply seeking out some common ground to relate to me on. Of course their missing the mark so badly it's laughable, but I do get it.

For those who do not know me, or are new to my ramblings. I live and work with highly human and animal aggressive dogs. The abuse they've suffered is horrific at best. My being off my A Game, being lax in any manner could mean actual serious harm, if not death to other's or my dogs. So no, I do not ever do drugs. I enjoy alcohol for the actual taste and not to get drunk. I also have absence seizures so copious amounts of alcohol is a bad thing. I have to plan everything out and ensure all safeguards are in place to enjoy myself in any adult fashion.

To put it in perspective for you: It's like having crawling triplets with colic, in a room full of sharp objects.

Always an adventure.

Piesano messaged. I'm ignoring it for now. He'll want to get all up close and personal. I'm not feeling it, well not with him.  Maybe coffee tonight when I know Teaesme will be here to watch the hellhound's, but that's it. I miss A. He's never failed to make me smile. One day we'll find out forever.  It's a holiday for everyone, so there will be even more people out and about. Walks will have to be at way off hours, like 2 and 3am. Backyard time will also have to be worked around the yappy mutts on either side of us. Mako already tried eating Buster yesterday. All that white fluffy goodness just whets her appetite. (grumble)  I can work with him out there if he'd just shut the fuck up. He nonstop barks and that just sets her off. In this heat, I hate having her hit that zone and then fight to breathe properly in her muzzle once she's caused herself another epistaxis episode and blown her eyes again. She's never going to like that dog. I'm pretty sure by her reaction to him he's probably close in appearance to one of the dogs she was baited with. How I'd love to get my hands on the fucker that caused all this shit with her.

And people are surprised I'm still single. Yeah what a shocker!

Well I was right. It's after 1 am and I'm still up...Since yesterday morning at 3am.  So help me, if anyone texts in the next few hours I will remove them from my life for good.  Once I have a bit more sleep, I may be awake enough to actually get angry in which case I'm removing them from the planet.

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