Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Mailbag and Musing

I could just shave off all my hair again and embrace being bald. My hair never does what I want it to and  do think that this might teach it a valuable lesson. Plus I look freaking HOT bald. No seriously I do. I have this perfect shaped head and the eyes to pull it all off.

Hey Jade can you share 5 things with us that we might not know about you?
Ciao bella, Tito

1. I eat dessert first whenever possible.
2. I have an obsession with pure ground vanilla beans.
3. I can't stand Jennifer Aniston.  Not as an actor or as a human.
4. I will openly invite anyone to spend time with me, just not in my home.
5. I really love it in films when the man touches the woman's face as he kisses her; actually, almost anytime a man touches a woman's face in communicating need or desire.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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