Monday, July 4, 2016

Effective Communication

From the mailbag:

Shannon K asks:
What qualities do you think are found in a "best friend"?

For me it's a little more than the atypical "nice person" adjectives. Sure I'm a fan of honesty, but I am also a fan of compassion and kindness and the three are not always mutually exclusive. Being a good listener, but also having a strong voice and personal ideals, someone who inspires me to do my best, someone emotionally honest with themselves as they are with me. Someone who's passionate, and has a sense of humor.

              Someone like me, only better,

Derrek A asks:
"If money were no object and you could do, go or be anything you wanted, .... what would you do first and why?"

If money were no object. Oh what a world that would be. I'm rather practical when it comes to questions like this, however the first thing I would do would be to call my ex Jim. He and I would work out the logistics in having all of our kids and chosen family in one place for a weekend of laughter and reconnecting. After that all of our children would be in school that was completely paid for.

My next call would be to Tieg and as it happens to follow with that line of call Arash, Bronwen, Jose, Zana, Jim, Alison, Gill and Renata. Tieg and I have a mutual love of animals, dogs in particular. It would be our dream to have a massive piece of land that housed not only a sanctuary, but a rehabilitation center, and agility training course. Money being no object would also dictate that I could afford to ensure we all had the best training course around with Tieg as lead. The space would rival that of a local sanctuary, with log cabin house for each Tieg and I, along with housing for those workers that wished to live on site.

Tieg would of course have to have a wood working shop, and Arash would have a cabin for his creative advertising business that we would of course be his first of many clients. I would want those I trust deeply and know love dogs so Bronwen, Jose, and Renata would all be asked to be team leads in some capacity. Alison, Zana, Mattea and I would most likely be the ones I turn to for boots on the ground and going out on calls. Gill I would have as a holistic practitioner aiding in holistic care, and as our office lead as she has an attention to detail that really makes all the difference.

Jim I would ask to sign on as part of an outreach program for at risk youth as this is something within his brilliant skillset and work that into our program. Ideally I would like to see Jim and Renata team up together. Renata is a genius with both kids and dogs yes, but she like Gill has a gift for natural living. If I could have her extend the outreach program to a community garden type thing...Where we could be self sustaining in our primary foods with the ability to cultivate any and all excess with an outreach program to give back to our community.

 I'm a firm believer that if we can enforce the general care children and young adults have for animals and their fellow man, combining that with education and a desire to help something or some else we can effect great change within our world.

Effective communication is a complicated concept. Like Gandhi once said, "If the assface fits, wear it....Assface." -EL

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