Monday, July 11, 2016


I live life always thinking that something great is around the corner. That problems come and problems go and if you've no control over the outcome, you can at the very least control or change our attitude towards it. On occasions, when there is much wine involved you complain to your friends ... a lot. But keep that to a minimum. Set up a once every three month rant session, not a daily one. No one likes a whiny little bitch mmkay?

I attribute a lot of it on my long lost friend TheSuit. He always had the best attitude, and no matter what happened he had my back. He would continually show up at the perfect moment smiling and snark,"Shut up and remember that tomorrow is another day beautiful." Then we'd hop in his car and drive for hours on end. We'd laugh and talk about what the future held, how we had to do something about our drug addicted friend Dufus and then there was ice cream. There was always ice cream. Sometimes there was kissing, but mainly just ice cream.

My fondest memories (as the old journals state) of him have to be in the car on the way to the fireworks. That radio always playing. We always sang loudly and off key to everything. Once upon a time we had tried to expand our friendship, however it was not to be. But by the gods could we kiss. TheSuit was my very first real kiss. It was perfection. A kiss that all other kisses were to be judge by.

I saw TheSuit a month ago. He wandered into my work with that same smile and positive attitude. He hasn't changed much over the years. A few grey hairs, an extra laugh line or two, but still perfect in who he is. He's married now, twin girls and a son, a wife that makes his lips curl beautifully when he says her name, and a career he adores. I couldn't be happier for him. Seeing him was a reminder that not everything has to change for the worse.

In fact some things really do get better with age.

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