Saturday, July 30, 2016

A Moment of Retail Hell

Hello welcome to ____, 

How can we help you this evening? 

Do you work here?..... (Naww. I really just enjoy wearing the polyester vest with xyz dog food company logo on it.) Yes ma'am I certainly do, how can I assist you this evening? 

What is this? (Slaps those 5 kibble into my hand)

( Am I drunk? I don't remember drinking? Is she drunk? Oh she's staring, adjust the look, appear kind and remove the snark bubbling on the tip of your tongue Jade) did you mean what brand of kibble (of the 100s of brands out there) ma'am?

Oh ya, I can't remember what I feed my dog, she's a small white fluffy thing.

Oh did you just get a new puppy? (Smile encouragingly)

Oh no! She's 7..... (OH COME ON!!! shhhh just smile jade don't say it. Do not say it) OK, is this the food she's always eaten?

Oh yeah I've never changed her food. Should I?.... (This is gonna take foreeevverrrr )

Alright, I've a good idea which brand this is, let me show you the bag and see if that jogs your memory . ... Well that picture doesn't look like my dog but the kibble looks the same , does that help?..... (About as much as me growing a third nipple) 

That's OK ma'am the image of the dog is unimportant. I do believe xyz is the brand you use, this is it right here.

OK cool, you're good! 

( You've no idea how close you came to dying tonight ma'am)

Friday, July 29, 2016

I Hate Tiny White Coffins

She'd be 21 now. 18 years ago we had to say one of the most difficult good byes.  Her light shines on within us and continues to bring us a smile at her memory.

The water is my calm and anguish all wrapped into one complex web of memories spun over time...and fate perhaps. Some of my best summers as a child were on the water, some of my deepest disparages lay just below the water's surface emerging every now and then telling me that the past is never too far away and as it grips me in sadness, in comes the tides of change calling to me like a sirens song to cleanse and purify me again.

I am haunted by waters.

As I look into my daughter's eyes and see the love she has for the water, I have a twinge of fear that the water's will one day betray her joys as well.   She remembers her cousin, but it is a distant memory, one that she remember's with fondness, and then the memory just stops.  I can see that she remember's more, but is not ready to let it flood her mind as it has mine so many times.

I am thankful for that.

Esme's cousin was almost the same age as she, they were polar opposites in looks but that was it for the differences. Under the fleshy exterior laid two identical souls.   They each from birth had this power to see what it was they wanted and just go for it, no fear, or disbelief in their abilities.  They were our risk takers, and soul searchers, always heading off for a new adventure.

Our little Alberta one day, when she was just 3; decided that it was time for a new adventure.  She found it in a friends pool. None saw her slip out the door, no one heard her hit the water.

That would be her last adventure.


She was pronounced DOA, after what felt like a lifetime of cpr/ar on her, and an even longer ride in the back of the ambulance to the hospital, and an even longer drive home where we went without her.  
How we cried.

The tears have slowed for me as I keep the lock on that flood gate, but every now and then a few drops get past and I weep. I have to be honest and say I weep more for us than I do for her.  She is in a better place now, where fear, pain, and anguish just can't touch her.  She is somewhere that allows a new adventure every day without the fears we mere mortals have.

I weep for our foolishness, and forgetfulness, it would have taken but a second to lock that door, it would have cost more yes but in the long run been worth it to put a fence around the pool.  Why were these things not done? WHY!

Answers I will never know, or ever stop asking myself.

Remember the little things ok?
They DO count, to a little girl off on an adventure they count allot.
Remember to lock the damn door!

I wish I had.

18 years have past, but not a day has gone by.

I remember.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Time For A Change

Sometimes I'm left to my own devices. Sometimes that works out well, sometimes it all goes horrifically wrong. Either way it's always an adventure.

Easiest five pound weight loss ever.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Back to the salt mines...

If anything goes by much too fast, it's vacation time...Today, I went back to my job, having enjoyed 7 days of a little slacking off, and some spring cleaning...Now it's back to extremely busy weeks, and people that I can pretty much do without; also time to get my ass in gear and get something going that will actually make me some extra cash without having to work myself into an early grave for it...Well, time to embrace setting alarms to get back not the swing of thing, because 5:00 AM comes up quickly...

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Adventures, dreams, and then Reality

Persia and I spent the day catching up and tending to his rather massive pup who wasn't quite feeling 100%.  Overall it wasn't a bad day. It was a day of realizations and confirmations. It was great to catch up and to put to rest an issue that had been in the back of my mind for a while now. I dislike having my intelligence undermined. Moreover I thoroughly dislike being misled.

I came to the realization that while I wasn't terribly upset. Not n the manner most would be. I was also no longer going to continue to put effort or hope into the situation. Persia like few others knew my thoughts and feelings and yet chose to minimize them, though a pretty substantial omission. This was not the blunt honesty I had always valued. It made the decision exceedingly easy for me.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Burn with me

I was chased down the street by one of these today. Inaudible shouting had me almost picking up speed but I risked the turn around... Running at me was a rather freaked out Persian lady shouting about how I was a redhead and would die in this heat. Once again I'm piecing this together from the hand gestures as I am not fluent in Farsi. I do know enough to know when I'm being called "that woman" and a "daughter of a goat"... But I digress. I attempted to express my being perfectly "a ok" that yes it was hot as 40 fucks with Eric but I was ok!!! Alas no she was not having the sweaty redhead lady die in her neighbourhood. So she walked me to the building I was to go and hugged my sweaty self. 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Eyes Wide Shut

We all have our talents. Some are great at math, some are great at decorating. Some embrace their dreams and create a reality that has the rest of the world staring on in awe, and some of us are great at critical thinking. Many many years ago by a very close relative I was told I'd make a great kindergarten school teacher. Obviously that relative was drunk, but I suppose at the time I can see why they thought it. Another very close relative said in some off handed comment that I'd make a great tart. Both comments make me laugh to this day. Yes I should probably be horrified by the later comment but I'm not. There's some truth to both. I've always been great with kids and find their innocent and brutal honesty refreshing.

For a time I had considered primary school teacher as a possibility. Then I was reminded of all those years spent in school, both as a student and as a teacher; and slitting my wrists seemed like a better option. Then as has been mentioned before I do not equate sex with love. So yes being a tart would be pretty easy, you know if it weren't for the fact that I'd like to not deal with the crazies that often frequent tarts lives. Anonymity has always bred idiocy, and as most are aware of I've a very low threshold for chosen stupidity. I find it all rather comical. Then again I also find my love life comical 99% of the time.  Sure on occasion there is that craving for human companionship, but I'd rather not settle for someone who isn't the one for me on all levels.

I am oddly ok with keeping boy toys and lovers that I'll never connect with outside of the moments of passion we share. I've no interest in them inserting themselves into my life in any more than the most basic of instincts. After all I am the women men every so enjoy bedding, but never bring home to meet the family. We all have our roles. I just so happen to play mine with exquisite passion and grace.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

No Please, Send Me Your Penis

It's been 52 weeks since you set your eyes on me
Cocked your head to the side and said I'm horny
Five month since you sent pics of your penis to me saying
Get on that baby, come back and see me
Three weeks since the facebook stalking,
I realized it's all my fault, in forgetting to block you
Yesterday you'd texted me
But it'll still be forever till I say I'm "oh baby"

Being single does not mean I want you
Being on a porn site does not mean I'm hot for you
Being direct does not make me an Ice Queen
Being assertive does not make me a slut
Being home is not an invite for you to come over
Being open does not mean I will share my sexploits with you
Being over 40 does not mean that I'm a cougar
Being online does not mean I owe you attention
Being on a date does not mean I'll blow you

Dating in 2016 has really not come a long way, in fact it's really gone downhill.

Hey boy take a look at me...let me dirty up your mind...When and if I fucking want to.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Mailbag and Musing

I could just shave off all my hair again and embrace being bald. My hair never does what I want it to and  do think that this might teach it a valuable lesson. Plus I look freaking HOT bald. No seriously I do. I have this perfect shaped head and the eyes to pull it all off.

Hey Jade can you share 5 things with us that we might not know about you?
Ciao bella, Tito

1. I eat dessert first whenever possible.
2. I have an obsession with pure ground vanilla beans.
3. I can't stand Jennifer Aniston.  Not as an actor or as a human.
4. I will openly invite anyone to spend time with me, just not in my home.
5. I really love it in films when the man touches the woman's face as he kisses her; actually, almost anytime a man touches a woman's face in communicating need or desire.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Monday, July 18, 2016


I am henceforth hitherto and forthwith officially creating the first ever "Society for the Conservation of Turn Signals (SCOTS)". We will actively work to celebrate those fine citizens that do their little part to conserve energy and protect the Earth from the unnecessary waste created through the careless use of turn signals. Additionally, these American heroes keep life interesting for the rest of us by adding that extra spice of turning off suddenly, or even better, across your path with no warning, as one would naturally receive if they used something as foolish as a turn signal.

We are not accepting your nominations for the official SCOTS "Illumination Conservation Asshat of the Week"! Next week's hero will be announced later as this week's hero award has already gone to the black and gold Dodge 3500 truck westbound on HWY 401. (You know who you are....)

Stay tuned!

This collective is the brain child of EL. Thank you for never failing o make me laugh.

Sunday, July 17, 2016


I do so enjoy having long heart to hearts with those capable of such things.  From politics to puzzles and everything in between.  Hands and I have quite a few shared interests as well as a gift for being direct to the point of completely lacking in tact. It's rather easy talking to someone you do not have to be the least bit guarded around.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Liquid Embrace

My dream, my fantasy, my confidant, my sounding board, my long distant friend.  For 18 years we've cultivated an open, honest, valued friendship.  Thank you for that.  With any luck and some skilled planning we'll connect by next summer.

Friday, July 15, 2016


My eyebrows are jacked, my abs are not.  Might need to work on that.  In other new's I now know how many overly excited dogs can fit on my lap while having a rousing game of chewy face and attempting to drink coffee. I am also keenly aware of how much coffee my bra can hold.  It's more than one would think. Absorbent little fucker it is.

Tomorrow I would ever so much like to shower, drink a full cup of still hot coffee, and actually have sex.  Maybe all at the same time...or not.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

"Tell me I'm pretty."

She didn't say it, but rather that was what we imagined she was saying to her reflection in the rear view mirror. I was sitting behind her in my friends truck. She was sitting in a late model Toyota Camry, silver in color. From what little I could tell, she appeared to be in her late 40's, maybe. She had short cropped hair. She was staring at herself in the rear view mirror and was furiously trying to fix her hair.

We were sitting in a shopping center parking lot. I won't mention the name of the store, but let's just say it rhymes with "Small-fart". EL had pulled into this row in an attempt to get out of the packed parking lot as fast as possible. Fate allowed him to slip into the row directly behind the silver Toyota being piloted by a woman who, rather than moving, was determined to fix what must have been the most unruly cowlick of all time, judging by how hard she was fighting with it.

"Tell me I'm pretty!", the voice in my head goaded as I watched her relentless struggle with the cowlick, and I told EL much to his delight. We were both trying to keep our humor as annoyance flooded the cabin.
The problem was that her foot was not on the gas pedal. She was allowing the feeble pull of the engine drag her inexorably but barely up the medium incline of the parking lot. Toyotas as EL explained in rather heated detail; are not exactly known for their power, so merely engine pull had us not moving up the row as much as we were oozing up it. Oozing like molasses. Slow, stupid, infuriating molasses.

I felt the blood and heat rush to my face, just as I could see the blood and heat rush up and over EL's face. I bit down on my lip and considered our options. Apparently EL was thinking the same as he rattled off "I have a 400hp engine in my truck, so if I take my foot off the gas, I am still going at 20mph. Ergo, I have to massage my brake constantly to keep from running over this lady."  I could see his right eye begin to twitch uncontrollably as he stared with a combination of anger and hate at the back of the woman's head as she continued to finger-wrestle that infernal cowlick.

"Tell me I'm pretty!" LE muttered in unison with the voice in my head. I caught my laughter as EL answered it out loud with a resounding "Fuck off!" The look on his face told me that was a little louder than he'd intended. I glanced around to see if anyone was watching us. I saw out his driver's side window a creepy weird kid, maybe 12 years old, just standing there staring at us, or maybe it was just as EL as he was looking a little; annoyed. I suddenly was reminded of the film "Children of the Corn" when that creepy little kid was staring through a store window right before the kids in the town killed all the adults. I caught myself checking to see if our doors were locked.

Because we were oozing so slowly up the row, the air conditioning compressor was not able to keep up with sun. Sunlight was blasting through the windshield, flooding the cab with radiant heat and made me feel sure that the gates of Hell had opening up in the floorboards of my passenger seat. I watched the vinyl of the dash get hotter as the heat fumes rose off the dash and EL's head at the same time. My gaze drifted back up to the woman in the silver Toyota. I watched her spidery fingers dance across her forehead for the 127th time.

"Tell me I'm fucking pretty!" the voice in my head shouted. "Goddamn it!" EL yelled out, unsure if he was speaking to the voices in my head, the voices in his or the self absorbed woman ahead of us. I was beginning to worry that he was reaching a point of having flashbacks and going to head into the avenue of martial law and just take her out. Before I knew it, he had his steering wheel in some sort of choke hold and was chewing on it as if he were Mike Tyson and his steering wheel was Evander's ear. "Move, you asshole!" he yelled at the windshield. I imagine him getting out of the truck and going up to the Toyota and fixing her damn hair himself. Suddenly I was reminded of the movie "Last of the Mohicans" and I imagine one of the Native American warriors coming back from a battle with a handful of fresh scalps he had collected, only to sit down on his buffalo hide blanket to notice that one of the scalps had an unruly cowlick, and I imagined the warrior slowly going insane as he perpetually tried to fix the cowlick on the scalp for all eternity. It was then that I realized that EL had moved from chewing on the steering wheel in rage to chewing on his left arm. I suspect his primordial mind had decided it was some kind of metaphorical wolf trapped in a bear trap and was trying to chew off a limb to earn it's freedom. He seemed to come to his senses and looked around at me to see if I had noticed him maiming himself.

I glanced around and noticed that, thankfully, the creepy kid was gone at least. That was a plus. I then watched as EL laid his left arm in the direct sunlight on the dash and allowed the scoring, lava-like heat to cauterize his  wounds. I rolled down the window to let the smell of burning flesh clear out of the truck and my gaze returned to the lady in the car in front of us, still o-o-z-i-n-g up the impossibly long and impossibly packed parking lot row.
She was unaffected. Her entire world revolved around her cowlick and she was oblivious to anything else. Sure, there were other people in the parking lot who clearly had taken note of our progressing meltdown, but so far I heard no sirens. All was well! I looked over to my left and saw that the creepy kid was back and staring at us again. However, now he had ice cream and was eating it while watching us. I rolled my window back up and checked the door locks again. Creepy fucker, I heard EL mutter. At least the cops weren't called, I tried to reassure myself.

I looked back at the lady in the Toyota and got into a delirious giggle-fit. Thinking about the cops forced an image into my mind I was not prepared for. I saw EL, as a cop, approaching her window on a traffic stop. My feverish brain imagined her rolling her window down and as he said "Ma'am, do you know why I pulled you over?" as she continued to finger-bang her cowlick, and before she could answer, he whipped out from behind his back, a taser the size of a rocket launcher and written on the side of it in giant letters was "Super Rhinostopper 5000 Plus" and before she could move, in my fantasy, he put the Super Rhinostopper 5000 Plus mega taser directly on her cowlick and pulled the trigger, unleashing so many millions of volts that the Ajax nuclear plant temporarily has to revert to its backup generators. I laughed out loud until I was crying. My laughter only came to a stop when I glanced over and saw both EL and creepy kid staring at me. It brought a sudden stop to brief moment of joy.

"Where the hell are your parents, kid?" EL yelled at his window. "Get the hell away from my truck!" The kid blinked once and took another bite of his ice cream. He turned and looked forward and took a deep breath, ready to unleash a mighty torrent of profanity at his windshield meant for the lady in the Toyota I'm sure. That is when I saw it.

I saw reverse lights come on.

They were not hers, no. They belonged to a black and gray Ford F-150 Platinum edition that was maybe 9 or 10 parking spots ahead of the Toyota. I knew she didn't see them because her gaze had not left her cowlick in hours. I knew he could not see her because parked on his right side was a white panel van. Who is still buying panel vans? This one was pure white and without a window anywhere. All it needed was to have "Free Candy" painted on the side to complete the package. Because this thing had no windows, the guy in the truck was going to be backing out blind. Right into the pathway of cowlick.

What were we to do? Honk the horn? Will she understand what EL was trying to say? Probably not. He'd been having a full blown meltdown for the last 20 minutes, so anything he did at this point was going to be viewed with a lot of suspicion. Of course, she was moving so slowly, he could have just put the truck in park and walk up to her window and warn her, but again....considering his meltdown, she might as easily pull a gun on him before he could explain as not. Finally, I reminded him that she HAD been torturing us by driving so slowly and she was the source of all evil and misery in the world as far as I could tell, so we decided to leave her to her fate.
Another bizarre image came to my mind. I imagined the Ford backing up and instead of a rear bumper, the truck had a huge chrome comb on the rear instead, and as he backed over the hood of her car, the chrome comb-bumper would glide off her head, finally fixing her fucking cowlick once and for all.

"Tell me I AM PRETTY!" yelled the voice in my head, and I giggled while whispering as much to EL. "Hell no!," he shouted back at me now rather agitated. " How about I tell you that you are about to have a Ford sitting on your face! How about I tell you that you are bleeding!" he yelled at no one in particular and laughed manically. I happened to glance over my left shoulder and chuckling at his annoyance and there was that freaking kid, still staring at us. EL noticed the kid at the same time I did and audibly growled. "What the fuck is your problem, kid?" he finally yelled. The little bastard narrowed his eyes at him, snarled and gave EL the finger. For a moment, I was torn over EL's reaction.

I weighed his options. I am not sure what the laws are when it comes to parking lot street fighting between a grown man and a 12 year old demon possessed creepy bastard of a kid. Then the thought occurred to me - "What if this kid is like one of those kids that come from a long line of Ju-Jitsu families and has been getting trained on choke holds since he was 2, which means he has been training for over a decade now? What if EL got out of the truck and caught an ass-whoopin' at the hands of a 12 year old and ended up face down with him mushing what is left of his ice cream on EL's bald head as he strikes a victory pose?"

That is when I heard the crunch.

I missed it! I was so fixated on the creepy Ju-Jitsu ice cream stalker kid that I didn't get to see the Ford truck back into the cowlick lady. EL did and was grinning from ear to hear. Things were looking up for him if the laughter bubbling from his lips were any indication. The driver of the truck was already out and looking at his truck. The impact was slow, so I doubt much damage was done. But I swear to you, I will remember until the day I die the look on his face. I caught the exact moment on his face when he looked at the driver of the Toyota that he had backed into. He obviously was checking to see if she was ok, but much to his surprise, when he looked at her....she was looking in her rear view mirror trying to fix her hair.

EL no longer able to contain the overwhelming energy crackling around us in the cabin rolled down his window and leaned his head out and yelled at the driver of the truck - "Tell her she is pretty!"

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Hey Firefly,

Just wanted to say that I really enjoy reading your blog. I hope you don't mind my asking, however you have mentioned your "hellhound's" a few times, have you always had pets like these and how long have you been working with dogs in need of help?



Hello Shane,

Dogs. My life has always been filled with dogs.  From shortly after my birth to present day. Dog's and their well being have always been my life. I have rescued as far back as I can remember, it became more...driven when living in the US.  I saw how quickly and easily animals were discarded and it broke my heart. I worked recovery after a few dog fighting rings had been raided and that was the nail in the coffin for me. I never wanted to feel so fucking helpless ever again.  From that day forward I became a rather loud voice for change and for compassion coupled with education.  I will always have dogs, but I have a menagerie of other animals too. 

Hey Jade,

Gotta say I totally dig your style. You joke a bit about being single and dating. Are you currently single? And would you every date someone you met online? What do you look for in a man?

Hope to hear from you.


Hola! Dom,

Well thank you.  I joke a lot about my single and unchanging status. It is after all rather funny. I have dated men and women I met online although we joke and claim we met in jail. (I have never been arrested) Now your last question is a long and winding a road as there could ever be. What I look for in a partner is someone genuine. Someone whom loves animals and can handle my advocacy of them. In short don't be an asshole, or at the very least be an asshole I can get on with. In a man, I seek someone dominant, who can support me emotionally and mentally yet not hesitate to call me out on my shit. Someone with backbone, and a heart of gold.  Simple stuff right?

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Love, lust, desire, intimacy, awkwardness. Hookups and infatuation. One night stands, or friends with benefits.  Because it's personal. Even when it's not.

Studies (link) have shown that 80% of men have a positive overview of their one night stands, while only 58% of women feel the same. I think in general we can all admit that men do one night stands better than women. Within the study it also showed that while seeking out a one night stand, women up their standards while men dropped theirs incredibly. Go figure, most some men will fuck just about anything when horny. Such is the way of life and lust.

I would have to agree with Anne (a researcher in the study) in her statement:

"Often [women] said things like, 'I felt so flattered, so happy that he found me attractive. It was so nice to be wanted,'" said researcher Anne Campbell, a psychologist at Durham University in England. "What women don't seem to see is that men drop their standards massively for a one-night stand."

She added, "No woman should be flattered because a man wants to have sex with her once."

I happen to be one of very conflicting beliefs. I see nothing wrong at all with one night stands so long as each person gong into is realistic and honest. Come on what better time to be honest? It's not like you'll ever see one another again anyways, so what are you afraid of? While  am no stranger to a one night stand, I happen to find them boring. I am a woman whom craves passion. Wild abandon is a plus and yes so too is comfort. FWB tends to be the better option for those kinds of things, though they have a greater risk of fantastically horrific disaster.

Fantasy is just that. As such has nothing to do with the end game, romance, that white picket fence or the 2.2 kids with dog and cat that get along. So while some may manage having a friend with benefits for some time without any recourse. In the end having a fuck friend boils down to you merely being fucked, and friendless. Still we all continue to trod upon that path believing the next one will be different, we will be different. We'll view things with a more cynical eye, after all it's just sex right? We're fools the lot of us. Crazy, hormonal, sex driven fools, in the pursuit of happiness. One lay at a time.  

On the whole I have to shake my head and laugh at most women who claim to just want a one night stand. I've seen far to many of those women latter sobbing into their wine over how "he never called back". Even some of the more stalwart women get that far away look in their eyes as they speak of that ONS. It's laughable really.  No matter the day or age, women typically equate sex with love or a desire for a deeper connection. Of course it can be when you're with someone who feels the same, but that someone isn't going to be the guy who's looking to get rid of a wicked case of blue-balls.

Listen up ladies, sex is, just sex. If you want a deeper connection, a honey to call your own... well you're going to have to take more time in getting to know him than just how quickly he can make you climax. There are those that would claim I lack the ability to love. Nothing could be further from the truth. I love deeply and without reservation. I just don't happen to confuse climaxing with life long companionship.

Just a thought. Now go have one of your own.

Monday, July 11, 2016


I live life always thinking that something great is around the corner. That problems come and problems go and if you've no control over the outcome, you can at the very least control or change our attitude towards it. On occasions, when there is much wine involved you complain to your friends ... a lot. But keep that to a minimum. Set up a once every three month rant session, not a daily one. No one likes a whiny little bitch mmkay?

I attribute a lot of it on my long lost friend TheSuit. He always had the best attitude, and no matter what happened he had my back. He would continually show up at the perfect moment smiling and snark,"Shut up and remember that tomorrow is another day beautiful." Then we'd hop in his car and drive for hours on end. We'd laugh and talk about what the future held, how we had to do something about our drug addicted friend Dufus and then there was ice cream. There was always ice cream. Sometimes there was kissing, but mainly just ice cream.

My fondest memories (as the old journals state) of him have to be in the car on the way to the fireworks. That radio always playing. We always sang loudly and off key to everything. Once upon a time we had tried to expand our friendship, however it was not to be. But by the gods could we kiss. TheSuit was my very first real kiss. It was perfection. A kiss that all other kisses were to be judge by.

I saw TheSuit a month ago. He wandered into my work with that same smile and positive attitude. He hasn't changed much over the years. A few grey hairs, an extra laugh line or two, but still perfect in who he is. He's married now, twin girls and a son, a wife that makes his lips curl beautifully when he says her name, and a career he adores. I couldn't be happier for him. Seeing him was a reminder that not everything has to change for the worse.

In fact some things really do get better with age.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Something for you

I just can't help but feel that too many years have passed. It always seems that we only find our way back to each other for short periods of time. It's as though we are forever trying to squeeze each other into time frames that seem overreaching at best.  Our moments are as cherished as they are fleeting. Be honest with yourself, is this really something you want?

Saturday, July 9, 2016

In Dreams

I live rather close to a few church's. I love hearing the bell every toll each morning even though it finds me in my backyard drinking coffee instead of taking communion within it's chapel. Those days are long gone for me, but there are a few remnants of my time within such walls that will continue to make me smile.

I dreamed last night that I had built a rather substantial castle in my backyard. The sort that was both welcoming and one that just by glancing upon, knew it would stand the test of time. Exquisitely realistic, but on a slightly smaller scale. I was so proud of it that I invited all of my family and friends to come revel in it's magnificence. I decorated with palms, and greenery. One was a massive magnolia tree in an equally massive pot. All of my family came around and looked at it. I wanted to take them through. I wanted for them to be as excited as I was. My great aunt and grandmother looked at me and told me that they were too old to play in castles. How I wished in that moment I'd built a moat.

I woke up to the beginnings of a storm. One like we haven't had out this was for a few months. It was not the sort of rain storm that I like. It was hard hitting and short lived making everything wet and twice as sticky. I worried that it would wake the fur kids and that I'd never sleep again. It did cause them to stir a bit, but all soon quieted and they fell back asleep. Snoring and dreaming like they were having the best game of chase.

I laid in bed for a while longer encased in some sort of melancholy.  Rarely do I allow myself such frivolities, yet this morning I turned my face into the pillow because I at once felt my heart irreparably breaking. The pillow was cold and the bed felt incredibly empty. I realized what my dream had meant. What the words from my obnoxious great aunt and grandmother's mouth's had been. I also realized that regardless of how I feel about myself, that pride, and self empowerment/belief n myself that regardless of what I know to be true (little of it being expressed here or anywhere), that they will never get past the belief that I am damaged.

Long ago I had to come to the decision which I suppose was fated to come. It seems that I had been the last to know my heart is blind. That while no longer an innocent, those innocent dreams I had once cherished and held so dear had to be let go. I have decided not to listen to them anymore. Regardless as to their desire to aid me, their words and intentions hold little to no real barring in my life. My dreams will remain my own and I shall keep them as I keep my own counsel.

After all, placing one dreams in another's hands is a sure fire way to have them snuffed out.

Friday, July 8, 2016


It's been a difficult week for a great many reasons. I've had to be an actual grown up, something I try to avoid at all costs. I've grown rather fond of my whimsy, if that's what I can call it. My desire to live my life with honesty, radical honesty hasn't been easy, but it has been freeing. It is especially unique in its application within the work environment, specifically retail where honesty is just not what the corporation desires.

I attempted to balance such things this week. I was given the mandate of "just play nice. Put on a smile and no matter what remain polite." This was possibly one of the more difficult things to do and stay true to who I am. I did however accomplish it. I was polite, inclusive with one whom has been nothing short of rude, disruptive, and not even remotely part of the team. I embraced"kill her with kindness," as ordered requested by my boss.

Then today on my way home from store #3, I received a call from said boss. He opened with, "remember that conversation we had on Thursday?" I assured him I did and that I had followed his request to a T, at which point he apologized to me. "I am sorry for having made you go through that, it was a futile effort and you deserve an apology."   I've no clue what prompted this call, but I accepted the apology in the spirit it was intended. I suppose I shall find out more tomorrow. For tonight I shall just smile and be happy in the fact that I gave a full effort with true intention to do the right thing. Tomorrow after all is another day.

I like this new side of you.  It's terrifying, but I like it.

A light in the dark

We've seen tragedy before. Small events, large events, foolish events, events of sheer terror. We seem to be living in a world gone mad with fear, anger, hate, mistrust, and overwhelming ignorance. My heart breaks for the families affected by the recent tragedies in the news, my soul weeps for those wanting to help but not knowing which way to turn. In the coming days, weeks, months, and years ahead know this. I care about you. I want nothing more than for each and every one of you to find love, peace, and joy in your lives and the lives of those around you. I have not all the answers, in fact I have very few of the answers. I am as lost and confused as the rest of you as to why these things within such an advanced society continue to plague us.

I do know this, I will continue to love you. I will continue to try and be the change I wish to see in this world. I will continue to be a voice for the voiceless, and a hand outstretched with compassion and kindness where there seems to be none. I will not live my life in fear. I will judge you on the content of your character and not the colour of your skin, or the god(s) you pray to.

I am a military brat, an officers wife, a soldier's mother, a battle buddies friend. I am a thread within a rich and diverse tapestry encompassing and crossing borders, cultures, languages, religions, sexual orientations, beliefs, and time. I will continue to celebrate all that I am, while also learning and celebrating all that you are. Please join me in being a light in the dark and continuing to fight the hatred that threatens to tears at whom we truly are. Brothers, sisters, children, mothers, fathers, lovers, caregivers.. Humankind. Let us all, Be. Both.

To the father of my son and extended children, whom wrote the open letter above. I have known you long before you put on a uniform and have been blessed to be there to see the journey you've taken and the man you have become. I am always and forever proud of that man. You have always been willing to run in and help when others would run away or turn a blind eye. The actions of a few do not dictate the actions of the many. You are now and have always been a good man, with or without a uniform. The recent actions of some have little to do with the actual uniform, but the choices of some lost, scared and yes some bad people. Period. I am honoured to continue to have you as a part of my life and will forever stand next to you.

Thank you for always being someone not only I but our children and the public can call upon to be a heart of compassion, a voice of reason, and a light in the dark.

I am deeply sorry that this is even something you would ever have to address. I am sorry that you will be seen as someone to fear, or not trust. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I love you.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

It isn't the Canadian way

I've pretty much decided that the only thing that's going to change anything around here is if I start stirring up some controversy. It isn't the Canadian way but I've enough American in me to embrace destroying that which I am tired of.

I keep hearing voices, telling me to do something drastic. Change the entire course of my life. And just when I feel the fiery embers beneath my skin (which may actually just be the blood recirculating after creating a pool in my feet from lack of movement) reach into full-blown flames of excitement, I remember I still haven't solved my problem of not knowing what to do about it.

Still I run at such a hectic pace on a all to regular basis that this moment, this moment of stillness is good. So it's can be a good thing to be docile. It can be a good thing to open your arms and welcome the boredom, the fear, or whatever it is that life brings to you on this fine Saturday evening.

I say fuck it, if the world no longer entertains me, I'll make no efforts to entertain the world.

Unless we get back to that whole controversy, destruction, chaos idea. I really like that one.

Big Girls Don't Cry

Not in this house anyhow. Being weak in my house leads to instability which is not something that's allowed when working with insecure/dominant aggressive dogs. If I'm weak, Mako will try to be the one in control and that is never a good thing. Let's face facts she can't control herself, thus having her attempt to control anything else, well that road leads to mucho badness. As such yes, I can come off as either an always happy freak or an ice princess who doesn't show any real emotion. The later being the belief of those whom are seeking a stronger reaction from me than I am able to give them at that moment. No, it isn't easy being my friend. My friends will always come second to the animals in my care. They are essentially furry children that never grow up, move out, get jobs or lives of their own. I will forever be responsible for them and their behaviours.

Many will never understand that.

So I will admit I react badly when I get messages from those claiming 'friendship' saying things like, "Mako will never be a good dog. You really should just put her down." Or the criticizing of Mako seen wearing a muzzle and/or leash even in the confines of our backyard with, "That dog must be nuts to have to wear a muzzle in her own back yard. She's so sad. That's no life for her, she be better off dead." And that is where I have to take a deep breath and remind myself, big girls don't cry. Not in this house. That's a luxury I cannot afford. So I cram the hurt down into that well that isn't permitted to ever see the light of day with so much force my bones ache and my stomach flop flops. I bite my tongue until it bleeds and I breathe.

Then I write. I pour it all onto paper. Sometimes my pen tears through the paper, sometimes its the only thing keeping me from punching someone in the throat. Sometimes it helps me remember I am human and have all those silly human emotions. Then I remember the golden rule. Be. In. Control. So I breathe again, I plaster a smile upon my face, schedule a 2 minute cry for my mourning shower while I wash my face pull my shit together and throw the paper away.

I look at my dogs. I smile and see that tail wag, most days. I whisper, "I love you good girl" and decide tomorrow is another day. If I cannot change the situation, I can control my reaction to it. I am their rock. How could I ever give up on them? They've never given up on me.

My feelings aren't what matters here. Their safety, and the safety of my daughter does. I cannot fail them.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Got to bed at 4:00am and was back up for 8:00am, so the trend holds true no matter the shift in paradox. :)  Dogs run, fed, and now entertaining me with feats of epic proportions. Emails answered, and issues averted. Looks like today is to be a tasking day at home so Florence, Jack, and Benson, and Kicking Horse are joining me for breakfast,  Chill it's noon somewhere in the world, it's all good.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Effective Communication

From the mailbag:

Shannon K asks:
What qualities do you think are found in a "best friend"?

For me it's a little more than the atypical "nice person" adjectives. Sure I'm a fan of honesty, but I am also a fan of compassion and kindness and the three are not always mutually exclusive. Being a good listener, but also having a strong voice and personal ideals, someone who inspires me to do my best, someone emotionally honest with themselves as they are with me. Someone who's passionate, and has a sense of humor.

              Someone like me, only better,

Derrek A asks:
"If money were no object and you could do, go or be anything you wanted, .... what would you do first and why?"

If money were no object. Oh what a world that would be. I'm rather practical when it comes to questions like this, however the first thing I would do would be to call my ex Jim. He and I would work out the logistics in having all of our kids and chosen family in one place for a weekend of laughter and reconnecting. After that all of our children would be in school that was completely paid for.

My next call would be to Tieg and as it happens to follow with that line of call Arash, Bronwen, Jose, Zana, Jim, Alison, Gill and Renata. Tieg and I have a mutual love of animals, dogs in particular. It would be our dream to have a massive piece of land that housed not only a sanctuary, but a rehabilitation center, and agility training course. Money being no object would also dictate that I could afford to ensure we all had the best training course around with Tieg as lead. The space would rival that of a local sanctuary, with log cabin house for each Tieg and I, along with housing for those workers that wished to live on site.

Tieg would of course have to have a wood working shop, and Arash would have a cabin for his creative advertising business that we would of course be his first of many clients. I would want those I trust deeply and know love dogs so Bronwen, Jose, and Renata would all be asked to be team leads in some capacity. Alison, Zana, Mattea and I would most likely be the ones I turn to for boots on the ground and going out on calls. Gill I would have as a holistic practitioner aiding in holistic care, and as our office lead as she has an attention to detail that really makes all the difference.

Jim I would ask to sign on as part of an outreach program for at risk youth as this is something within his brilliant skillset and work that into our program. Ideally I would like to see Jim and Renata team up together. Renata is a genius with both kids and dogs yes, but she like Gill has a gift for natural living. If I could have her extend the outreach program to a community garden type thing...Where we could be self sustaining in our primary foods with the ability to cultivate any and all excess with an outreach program to give back to our community.

 I'm a firm believer that if we can enforce the general care children and young adults have for animals and their fellow man, combining that with education and a desire to help something or some else we can effect great change within our world.

Effective communication is a complicated concept. Like Gandhi once said, "If the assface fits, wear it....Assface." -EL

Sunday, July 3, 2016


It occurred to me long ago that there was a cosmic force in the universe, and that force, while it might not hate me, per se, it definitely never passes up a chance to screw with me. Because of this, as I live my life, I proactively try to minimize giving the cosmic force any extra chances to screw with me. One of the things I do to avoid tempting the Fates is pretty simple - I do not go to Wal-mart.

Yesterday, I went to Wal-mart.

I do 99.9% of my shopping at four locations: Online, the grocery store, liquor store and Extoggery/Vintage-thrift shops. Easy enough. But for whatever reason, I had to pick a few things up and went to Wal-mart. Things progressed smoothly enough. Other than one employee lady who I caught staring at me with the demeanor and intensity of an angry librarian who must have assumed I was trying to shoplift the Always Pads *with wings*, things were ok. I finished up and headed towards the check-out aisles. I saw most of them had multiple customers waiting in line except for lane #7. Lucky #7! It had just one family while every other lane was pretty crowded. I scooted over there to be next in line in good ole Lucky #7.

I got in line and noticed there was room on the counter for my few items. I put the tiny rubber Wall of China item separator down and put my stuff on the conveyor. It was only then that I looked at the family in front of me.

To begin with, directly in front of me was the wife with her back to me. She towered over me and was rugged and sturdy of both hip and shoulder. I am certain that both her mother and father were named "Sven Bjorgenssonsvenson" or something and were both almost certainly championship power-lifters. She was dressed like she was on her way to a log splitting competition and she had no intention of using an axe, preferring to just rip the logs in half with her bare hands to save time.

I looked at the husband. He was maybe 5'6" in his favorite work boots. He was wearing a khaki safari shirt that reminded me of the Crocodile Hunter, with faded jeans and a khaki hat. He was red-faced and agitated; his head on a constant swivel as if he was expecting to be attacked at any moment. He had an expression like a man who found himself in a state of road rage, but never managed to find his way out. He kept his arms bowed out like one of those guys who go to the gym once, never lift again, but walk around with their arms bowed out to make room for the beefy lats that they will never have.

There were three children. Two were standing there, a boy of maybe 8 or 9 and a girl that was maybe 12 years old, beside the cart with the silent stillness of hostages, daring to hope for freedom, but too terrified to run for the open door that lay only a few meters away. The third and last of the children was sitting in the cart, his empty, soulless gaze staring off at a rack in the distance. I have never seen a 2 year old suffering from depression before. There is a first time for everything.

I am going to assume the wife's name was "Girtha". Surely it could not be anything else. Girtha suddenly turned around and looked right at me. Fear clawed its icy fingers all over my gizzard; an organ I did not know I had. I took half a step back and weighed my options. I sized up the group - it was clear that in a fair fight I could easily take on the children. Even all three at the same time if need be. I figured I had a 50/50 shot at the road raging guy who raided the Crocodile Hunter's wardrobe. Against Girtha, though, there was little hope. If I played dead, I reasoned, I might get away with a slight maiming and some bite marks.

As suddenly as she whipped her massive frame around, she turned her back on me. I assume that she either decided I was no threat or perhaps I was not big enough to make a decent meal for her. At any rate, I took advantage of the situation and discretely reached over into the shopping cart of the lady in the next lane when she was not looking. I grabbed a plunger out of her cart and used my knife to start sharpening the tip of the handle, hiding it behind my cart. I wasn't going down without a fight, should Girtha change her mind.

Girtha and her husband started talking to the cash register. That event struck me as odd as that sentence does to you. I looked again and there was no one behind the counter, yet Girtha and her husband kept talking. I leaned over and saw nothing. I leaned even further. That is when I saw, what at first appeared to be a blue loofah behind the counter. I thought to myself "Why would someone leave a blue loofah on a stool?". The loofah moved and I realized it was not a blue loofah, but was actually a little old lady with blue hair. She was the cashier. All I was seeing initially was her paper-thin blue hair in a fresh perm.

Now, when I say little, I mean she MIGHT have been 4'0", even giving her credit for her hospital shoes and the rubber mat she was standing on. When I say she was old, I mean she looked to me like she might have easily been the Cryptkeeper's grandmother. If not his grandmother, than certainly her sister. I watched as she, with considerable effort, extended her withered limbs to slowly gather up each item and scan it. In her prime, she might have been as fast as a glacier, but glacial speeds were far beyond her ability now. Girtha and the hubby were growing impatient. The two older children began to cower and ease towards the door. The child in the cart looked up at me baefully began humming what I swear sounded like a Nine Inch Nails song. I kept sharpening my toilet plunger spear, preparing for the inevitable.

People started getting in line behind me. I decided after a moment or two, to turn to them and warn them that they had made a terrible life decision and should reconsider. Before I could, a Wal-mart employee wearing a headset came over and escorted the people behind me to other counters that would surely be faster. I thought that was a nice thing of headset to do, and I figured he would come back and get me once the others were taken care of. I would do my duty and stay here with my plunger spear to protect the innocent until headset came back for me. Me and headset were a team, working together to keep people safe and enduring all the risks ourselves! Nope...headset never came back for me. I felt like the guy in those Vietnam war movies that is left in the field while he watches the helicopter fly off without him. Fuck you, headset.

Up to that point, I had not been able to clearly hear Girtha and the hubby in their conversation with the Cryptkeeper's grandmother. However at that instant, Girtha spoke a sentence that I heard very clearly. It felt like the sky opened up and a genuine Acme Co. anvil fell from the sky and landed on my big toe. She said "I have a $5 Wal-mart gift card, some coupons, a $35 pre-paid cash card and I want to put the rest on my debit card." What?!? Bernie Madoff's whole team of accountants would not be able to figure out how to execute that friggin' transaction, let alone the poor creature behind the counter! I nearly vomited in rage.

I will give the Cryptkeeper's grandmother credit - she never flinched. She had the steely resolve of a woman who knew the Grim Reaper was afraid of her, and it occurred to me that it was entirely possible that in her past she might have even been Genghis Khan's Drill Sergeant or something, before she changed careers to work at Wal-mart. She slowly (as if there was any other option) began to walk them through the laborious process of trying to pay for their items using the bewilderingly complex method they were insisting on. It was at that time that the debit card reader broke.

Regardless of what you might think, that did not cause me to completely flip my shit. No. I thought it might be a blessing....after all, if the machine does not work, they cannot use their ultra complex method; right? Wrong. Turns out the reason the Cryptkeeper's grandmother is still walking the Earth is because she really is one determined and tenacious fucker. If she had been born a dinosaur, she would have been a velociraptor. The world's slowest velociraptor, sure - and with blue hair. But a velociraptor nonetheless. Anyway, she relentlessly yet calmly tapped out some kind of lengthy and elaborate code that got the systems back up and running in merely a few dozen minutes. Yay. We're saved.

Girtha and hubby paid, eventually, for their $263.47 worth of items (yes; that is the real number....I heard Girtha say it several times as she kept cursing the machine). I'm not going to bother going into what happened in the parking lot because this has been long enough. I only want to share this axiom:

Jade's Law of Geo-spatial Avoidance: If a collective in a specific location is exhibiting signs of avoiding a specific space (such as a particular lane in Wal-mart), make sure that you avoid it as well. Collective cautionary wisdom trumps individual attempts at advancement every time.

And this is why we are using dollar store pads.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

I'm a ninja

"I'm a ninja", said the voice. I was sitting on the homemade bench under a 12' by 12' canopy in the sweltering heat. Team building exercises meant to be fun and help new comers learn tips and tricks from us seasoned teammates. There were three training stations going in the field; one for team member hoist and carry, one for doing a tandem dog wash, and lastly, a thunder jacket / harness simulation. There were 12 or more trainees milling about, and with only 3 spots to train on, it meant the remaining personnel were huddled around and in the meager shade offered by the canopy. 

"I've trained with nun-chucks, swords, bo staffs and the 3 piece staff", the voice continued. I had been staring at the ground, the cracks in the asphalt reminding oddly of the surface of Mars. The surface of Mars this wasn't, as Mars is very, very cold and it was, in fact, hotter than 40 rats fucking in a wool sock where I was. It suddenly and with much apprehension occurred to me that no one had acknowledged the voice and that did not bode well. It meant that it was entirely possible that when and if I looked up, I would see that the body to which the non-disembodied voice might belong might well be looking at me. I sighed, resigned myself to my fate, and looked up. 

I saw standing directly between me and the sun, a silhouette of a slender male figure. I squinted and looked at him closer and saw what can only be described as an Eminem clone, except dressed very poorly and shabbily. He also had dark brown hair. Ok, he didn't really look that much like Eminem after all, but his appearance made me think of Eminem, so I don't know. I noted that his shoes said "Etnies" on them, which I deduced must be a Latin term meaning "guy who is going to annoy you." The most remarkable thing about his appearance was the small, nerdy spectacles on his nose accompanied by the sunglasses on top of his head. That is an awful lot of eye wear for a head bearing only two eyes. 

I looked at him but did not respond because I had created the hope in my mind that he still might not actually be talking to me but actually might be talking to the voices in his head. Please god, let him be psychotic and delusional, I silently prayed. 

"You mean like the ninja turtles?" said a new voice, off to my right. I thanked the gods that someone nearby had heard his proclamations and simply could not resist inquiring. The new voice belonged to a light skinned black male wearing a white t-shirt that said something about music. Sensing interest being generated in his immediate vicinity, the owner of voice #1 whipped around and faced the owner of voice #2. 

"Yeah, kinda, but that ninja turtle stuff is bullshit. They have no clue how bad you can hurt yourself with that stuff" said the kinda-Eminem stunt double with an indignant air of authority. I could hear his sense of superiority growing. "Yeah, no kidding!" said voice #2. 

"I mean, you know, you need to be highly trained for that stuff. That is why I did it. It ain't no joke!" said voice #1 with clearly growing vim and vigor (yes, both). Voice #2 quickly and enthusiastically agreed that the ninja turtles probably did not treat the weaponry with the respect it clearly deserved. Those damned ninja turtles were a joke, they suspected. I imagine that they both secretly doubted the ninja turtles were even legitimate ninjas at all. 

I turned my head and looked back at the ground and suddenly wished I was on Mars, deathly cold or not. I thought long and hard about trying to explain to the two men that there was a considerable amount of evidence that would suggest that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were not actually real, and therefore what weapons they used, how they used them and whether or not they were proficient or serious enough about them may not really matter. It was not the first nor last time that I felt a deep sense of regret that I ever gave up drinking heavily. With any luck I'll have a massive seizure and be hauled bodily away from this train wreck of a conversation. 

I can only assume that both men will garner much knowledge and accolades from this training session with flying colors. Once the team leads and HR find out that they have genuine ninjas and ninja enthusiasts in their midst, what choice do they really have? I just can't help but wonder if he included "ninja training" on his resume. Sometimes I really wished I worked in Human Resources. 

I hope your day was better than mine.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Happy Canada Day, and something else witty

I cannot help but roll my eyes each time those whom think they know me ask, "You gonna get your party on for Canada day?" Really? Do these people not know me at all?  Of course being the smartass that I am cannot help but answer, "Of course! Gonna drink till I'm stumbling and then I'm gonna run the dogs...amidst large crowds of people!" I get it, people have little in common with what I do and are simply seeking out some common ground to relate to me on. Of course their missing the mark so badly it's laughable, but I do get it.

For those who do not know me, or are new to my ramblings. I live and work with highly human and animal aggressive dogs. The abuse they've suffered is horrific at best. My being off my A Game, being lax in any manner could mean actual serious harm, if not death to other's or my dogs. So no, I do not ever do drugs. I enjoy alcohol for the actual taste and not to get drunk. I also have absence seizures so copious amounts of alcohol is a bad thing. I have to plan everything out and ensure all safeguards are in place to enjoy myself in any adult fashion.

To put it in perspective for you: It's like having crawling triplets with colic, in a room full of sharp objects.

Always an adventure.

Piesano messaged. I'm ignoring it for now. He'll want to get all up close and personal. I'm not feeling it, well not with him.  Maybe coffee tonight when I know Teaesme will be here to watch the hellhound's, but that's it. I miss A. He's never failed to make me smile. One day we'll find out forever.  It's a holiday for everyone, so there will be even more people out and about. Walks will have to be at way off hours, like 2 and 3am. Backyard time will also have to be worked around the yappy mutts on either side of us. Mako already tried eating Buster yesterday. All that white fluffy goodness just whets her appetite. (grumble)  I can work with him out there if he'd just shut the fuck up. He nonstop barks and that just sets her off. In this heat, I hate having her hit that zone and then fight to breathe properly in her muzzle once she's caused herself another epistaxis episode and blown her eyes again. She's never going to like that dog. I'm pretty sure by her reaction to him he's probably close in appearance to one of the dogs she was baited with. How I'd love to get my hands on the fucker that caused all this shit with her.

And people are surprised I'm still single. Yeah what a shocker!

Well I was right. It's after 1 am and I'm still up...Since yesterday morning at 3am.  So help me, if anyone texts in the next few hours I will remove them from my life for good.  Once I have a bit more sleep, I may be awake enough to actually get angry in which case I'm removing them from the planet.